xdl.platforms.placeholder module

class xdl.platforms.placeholder.PlaceholderExecutor(xdl: XDL = None)[source]

Bases: xdl.execution.abstract_executor.AbstractXDLExecutor

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
class xdl.platforms.placeholder.PlaceholderPlatform[source]

Bases: xdl.platforms.abstract_platform.AbstractPlatform

Placeholder platform providing no compilation but the xdl cross platform standard as the step library.

property executor: Type[xdl.execution.abstract_executor.AbstractXDLExecutor]

This should return the executor class for the platform. Details of what specifically the executor class should do can be found in the AbstractXDLExecutor documentation.


Executor class for the platform.

Return type


graph(xdl_obj: XDL, template: Optional[str] = None, save: Optional[str] = None, auto_fix_issues: Optional[bool] = True, ignore_errors: Optional[List[int]] = None) networkx.classes.multidigraph.MultiDiGraph[source]

Method to generate graph for given procedure.

  • xdl_obj (XDL) – XDL object

  • template (Optional[str]) – Optional template graph to use when generating procedure graph.

  • save (Optional[str]) – Optional path to save generated graph to.


Graph that can be used to compile xdl_obj.

Return type


property step_library: Dict[str, Type[xdl.steps.core.step.Step]]

Collection of steps associated with the platform. Should take the form of a mapping between step class names and step classes, e.g. { 'Add': Add, 'Stir': Stir... }


Collections of steps associated with platform in form { step_name: step_type... } e.g. { 'Add': Add... }.

Return type

Dict[str, Type[Step]]